Monday, July 19, 2010

Disturbed Individuals with Weapons (and no training)

via Wired:

Collection of costumed vigilantes. Not in the funnybooks, in New York. "Stun-knuckles" and throwing stars are referenced. And these people might be serious.

Freakangels are go.

via Slate:

Scientists' predictions for rising sea levels by 2100 - including losing roughly 2/3 of Asia's rice-farms.

Police on BP payroll. Literally.

via Salon:

Louisiana police enforcing BP's no-photo/no reporters policy. On public land. Search & seizures, confiscation of film, etc. No legal, well, anything to justify this behavior. But BP's paying for their overtime. Privatized police, here we come.

India's "Pink" Gang

via Slate: Reporting on India's all-women vigilante gangs, protectors of those domestically abused. More research needed.